Saturday, December 31, 2011

Free Time

While nursing my youngest, I admit I sometimes read blogs or play mind numbing games on my ipad. Today a post I read centered on free time. I have tried to make free time lately. I have listened to many mothers and fathers who desire free time. I know I get my panties in a bunch at least once a week over my lack of free time.

You know what. I live in one amazing society if I can whine about free time. Sure I spent quite a bit of brain power figuring out that I am an introvert, so I need that time.

Don't fool yourself. Free time with five kids might start to look real different. Getting to pee by yourself starts to look mighty fine. Sneaking a cup of coffee while a baby sleeps on you and your toddler watches some dancing rat might qualify as free time.

Somewhere there needs to be a transition. Like when I realized you can do all sorts of stuff while you nurse a baby. But, then I had my fourth child who I had resigned myself to never having. I realized the best thing you can do while nursing is to stare in those little eyes. Talk to them and kiss them. Tell that sweet child little stories. Count those few fleeting moments like little bridges to heaven. That is free time.

Free time needn't be shopping or coffee breaks at the MegaMermaid. It can be time to refill our love tanks with someone special and the absence of consumerism and screens. Have some free time with a picnic, in a garden, or
on the beach.

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