Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Eating in June

This month I decided to start freezing foods.  I really wanted to do it before our last baby was born.  But, I never got down and did it.  I wish I had.  

This month my plan is to at least double all our meals.  I made up a plan and I'm trying to add to my grocery list as I go along.  I'm hoping I might at some point get enough energy to do it all at once.  But, don't hold your breath.  But, maybe one of my readers will get all excited and give it a go.  I have been getting really frustrated at the end of the night.  I do not like having a dirty kitchen.  We just all get tired and no one wants to clean up.  It feels good to have a clean kitchen in the morning.  There are other dinner snafus that are driving us crazy.  So, I took all of it into account.  I realized I need to be able to throw something in the oven or have things my husband can heat up when he is hungry.  

We are not casserole eaters.  We hardly ever have meat and some of us are vegetarians.  I never wanted to do this because I hate using plastic.  But, my husband will spend 25 bucks at Papa Murphy's and get a cheese loaded, greasy pizza covered in plastic wrap.  I can make a whole lot of cheese light and cheese less pizza and put them in plastic bags for a lot less.  A good freezer bag can be rewashed and reused.  I'm not planning on doing any meaty items. 

So far I made frozen pizzas and a batch of white chili.  It wasn't any harder than making my usual dinner or pizza or chili.  Next time I'll just have to heat those up when we need them. 

I figure on days I'm busy I'll have frozen food.  On the days when I feel like baking or cooking I can stock the freezer with foods or baked goods.  I asked my husband what he thought.  He said he didn't care what it tasted like. He just wanted food he could cook.  My husband was a baker in a rustic bakery.  He used to cook when we were first married.  But, somewhere along the line he got tired.  I started to teach myself how to bake and cook.  But, somewhere along the line I got burnt out on being an excellent cook.  I hope the things I make don't taste too bad.  I figure they will taste better than mac and cheese.  

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